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Fujifilm X-Thusiast: Bringing Photographers Together


The Fujifilm X-Thusiast program is entering its second year and is brimming with beautiful works of art. In the last year, our X-Thusiasts took us on amazing journeys, from the Australian Outback to the foothills of Mount Cook. We saw delicious dishes, tasty treats and crashing waves from distant shores.

But most of all, we found inspiration in your submissions, and were honoured you’ve taken these journeys with your X Series camera. We know photography is about the journey, not the destination, and are glad to be there right along with you as you hone your skills.

“I feel a lot of enthusiasts and hobbyists will benefit from having such a program to submit their work to, be inspired by and have something to work towards,” says December 2016 featured photographer Janice Kho. “I actually found answering the interview questions a fantastic exercise, as it really made me think about my photography, how I use my gear to make images and reflect
on what photography means to me and how far I’ve come. It has also given me more confidence in my ability as a photographer, it’s a great feeling to get that positive feedback on your work, especially among so many photographers I admire in this community.”

We continue to encourage you to submit your photos and engage with the other photographers in our community. Photography can often seem like a lonely endeavour, but with conversation and collaboration, you can develop new skills and ideas.

By checking out the works of others in our X-Thusiast gallery and sharing insights, you can start a conversation, get advice and take your photography to the next level. The X-Thusiast program serves to foster a community where photographers can stay on top of trends, while establishing their credibility as a Fujifilm-recognised photographer.

To get discovered today, share your work with us and expand your potential!

Featured image by X-Thusiast – Laurie Davison

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